I finished the rough draft of the adoption profile scrapbook. I am pretty happy with it. It needs some tweaking but it is looking good.
I did it in Microsoft word. I am extremely versed at that program. I was able to do some cool stuff with it.
The only bad thing is I can't put any of that on here because of the format. Sorry :)
I had a nice dinner with my friend Kasia tonight. I love that girl! She has the biggest heart and she is the kind of mom I want to be. She really has her stuff together and her daughter Kelsey is awesome because of it. I am so fortunate to have some really awesome friends. I have really spent a lot of time thinking about the people in my life and who is a positive and who is a negative. I am at a point in my life where I only have room for positive. I have to consider who and what will be best for our child. It is amazing how quickly the mothering instinct kicks in. I know I am not a parent yet, but I am already willing to put the child's needs first. I have made so many decisions differently because of it. It is amazing how differently decisions are made when they are made with an unselfish heart. Cris & I were going to finally take our honeymoon in September cruising from Puerto Rico to St. Thomas, St. Marteen, St. Martin, St. Lucia and Barbados. However the trip became very costly and it looks as if we may be parents by summer so we decided it would be best to cancel. If we do have "Her" by September it would be so hurtful to "Her" if we were to leave her.
Since we would be losing our deposit we decided to use it on a long weekend over memorial day to go to the Bahamas. It may not be the honeymoon we dreamed of but it made me feel so much better once we made the decision. So that would be our first Selfless act as parents.
I walk through stores and see so many cute things I want to buy for "Her", but not knowing how old she will be I hold off. It will be so hard not to spoil "Her" when she first comes. I will have of this built up inside me.
I find myself thinking that this coming Halloween we will be looking at costumes and about celebrating our first Christmas together. Will she be young enough to believe in Santa? And how awesome it will be to experience the holidays as a family! What will she want to call us Mommy & Daddy, Jenny & Cris? What other things could she call us? Will she like my cooking? While she like to read to at night, does she need a nightlight. What color will her eyes be, her hair? The stream of thought is so hard to turn off. However, it is the end of a very busy week and I need to go to bed and sleep :)
This is so exciting. I know how much you want a child and this is wonderful. I'm happy and excited for you and Cris!