Sunday, April 22, 2012

What does a 12 year old like to do?

We had our weekly call with Sweetie this evening. It went well again. She had 2 test for Florida state standardized testing last week and has 2 more test this coming week. She said they were not hard. She is a very good student which is always nice. We set up our first visit for May 18th. Yay! We talked more about things she likes... when asked what her favorite thing to do, it was of course shopping! Cris is the bigger shopper out of the 2 of us. He was happy to hear that she liked to shop too! Cris was talking about his sunglasses and Sweetie mentioned she did not have any and That Ms. T had a pair of Jessica Simpson glasses that were pretty. Cris told her he would buy a pair for her. Her response was awesome.. She said that they were too expensive and she didn't want the pressure of owning something that nice. I can really appreciate that she knows the value of things and also she didn't take advantage of Cris' generosity. 

When we go to visit we are going to bring one of the dogs and I asked her which one she would like to meet first. I had thought for sure it would be Darling or Oakley, but she surprised me by saying Hunter. 
We got to see more of her personality on the phone. She is funny. But she is very cautious on what she says. If she says something she thinks is wrong she apologizes immediately. We will have to work on that.
It was so obvious on today's call that she wants a family so badly. She said that she was already starting to love us. I responded that we are going to love her back. I know that she is saying what she thinks we want to hear. I can imagine how scary this all must be to her. She tries to act all strong and fearless, but I know it has to be terrifying to be moving to another state and with strangers. It is good that we are getting to talk to her a lot and visit a few times before we meet. This will her more chance to work with her therapist to adjust to the idea of moving and joining a new family.

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