Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We have flowers!!!

Today Alex started on the flowers...Yay!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Weekend Cruise with my neice and more mural progress :)

We left Friday for a cruise to the Bahamas. It was Cris,myself, my brother Dennis, his wife Tina and my niece Taylor. Cris & I went snorkeling in Nassau and did a culinary excursion in Freeport. Which was neat. We learned how to prepare conch salad, conch fritters and cracked conch. It was really all yummy, but our beach portion of the trip was cancelled due to a thunderstorm. It wasn't the best cruise I have been on, but it sure was great for Cris & I to get to spend lots of time with little T! She spent the first night with us and ate most of her meals wedges right between us. We loved it!
I came home to happy puppies and a good portion of the mural done! I am so happy with the progression!
Alex is so awesome!!!
Here are a few more shots of how it looks now!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mural Progress

Alex is just working away at the mural. It is awesome to watch it evolve and come together.
She did the perspective work which has turn out to be really neat...Mountains and Waterfalls.
And she was able to start painting the sky.

With my family coming in from NY Monday she is going to take a break. She will start up again while we are on our cruise starting next Wednesday! Cris & I are going with my brother Dennis, Sister in law Tina and my niece Taylor. Taylor is 5and we are super excited that she is going with us!

Friday, May 20, 2011


“The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.”

This is definitely something I need to work on. I always have. I am a doer...tell me the steps to get what I want and I will do them, no matter how difficult. But waiting...that is another story. This process is really going to help me develop some patience. I heard from my social worker today and the good news is that the Program Supervisor liked my profile and loved our Photo Profile. The bad news is the next step to get approval from the panel can take up to 50 business days.  So we wait... and that is ok, I am just going to have to go with it. 
On another positive note Alex from Portrait Art For Pets and Their People was here today and got started. She is so talented!  Here are a few pictures of the sketches on the wall that she is doing freehand!

She will be coming back tomorrow to start painting!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2000 Visits

Wow, I opened my blog to see I have received 2000 visits since February!
That is so cool! Let me know that you stop by... Sign into my guestbook on the bottom of the page!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hurry Up And Wait

MAPP classes are done, 101 pages of essay questions done, CPR done, home study done,fire inspection done, 2 sets of finger prints done, background checks done, photo profile done...just getting the last of our references together. They get turned in Tuesday and Friday my social worker sits down with the head of CHS to get everything finalized. Once that is done, everything comes back for us to sign and then gets sent up for approval to the state.
After the approval we can start getting bios and go to match events. I am praying we are good to go for the match event on June 11th.
I am feeling pretty good about how quickly our process has gone. So many in our class had started back in the fall and still haven't gotten as far as we have. And there are others who have not even been assigned a social worker. Alot of the process depends on how quickly and thoroughly we complete our parts.
Cris & I have been on top of everything. The family that came in to talk to us took 2 years to complete the process, but they were slow with getting things back and also they wanted a young child, they ended up with 2 young children.

I am glad to have my Saturdays back, but I will miss getting to see Leigh Ann, Jerel, Michelle & Mark. OK, not too much since we are getting together Friday for dinner. It will be interesting to see how all of our searches go. Both couples are interested in out of state adoption. We are not. It will be hard enough on the child to start with move to a new family and school. There is a good chance that the child will have siblings and I would really like to maintain a relationship between our child and any siblings as best we can.
I know it is healthier for the child that way.

Cris was talking to someone at a wedding last night and told them that we would be adopting 1 or 2 children. That is cool to know he is open to a second child down the road.Cris says the next year or two. Sometimes of the biological family has another child that gets relinquished to Foster Care they will try to get the adoptive family of the one sibling to adopt the second child. That would be great too!

Well, I probably won't have much to write for a little bit...but then things will be popping!!!!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Tying Up Loose Ends

This has been a super busy week! Tuesday night we did our finger prints again, this time it was done the old school way. Last night we had our fire inspection. We are collecting of references now. I printed up our adoption profile scrapbook. Since I couldn't put the originals on here I took pictures. I am very pleased with how they turned out.

So we have just 2 more classes and then we play the wait game for our approval to come through! I am sure it will go smoothly, everything else has.
Then it is on for the really hard part, finding our daughter. We are going to our first Matching Event on June 11th up on Lake Norman. They bring children that are eligible for adoption to these events once a month. This one we will be learning to water ski! That should be fun! It will also be cool to see how the kids react to a challenge. I love the things that Children's Home Society does. Anyone interested in adopting I highly recommend them :)